STEP 1: Know exactly what you want.

If you don’t know where you are going any road can take you there ~Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

How do you suppose you’ll ever find your way if you don’t know where you want to be? Likewise, how will you know when you are successful if you haven’t yet defined what successful means to you?

How do you define it?

Stop and think for a minute (or as long as it takes) and ask yourself the following questions.

Where do I want to be six months from now? (think circumstances, income, relationships, etc)

What do I want to see appear in my life over the next six months? (people, places, circumstances, etc)

What will becoming more successful look like? (use your view and the view you think others will see)

What will becoming more successful feel like to me?

Set an intention that will force you to step out of your comfort zone but is still realistic – if you feel it’s completely ridiculous, you won’t stay on track.

STEP 2: Write it down.

Now write down every thought that just appeared in your mind.  Be specific and handwrite it out on paper. Something magical appears when you put pen to paper the good old fashioned way.

Step 3: Believe you deserve it.

What really activates this super hero power? It is YOUR MIND. You MUST believe you deserve whatever it is you want in your life.

How do you start to believe if you aren’t sure you do or are fairly certain that you don’t?

Well, ask your self this question, “Why not me?” Write down your answer and then dispute that.

The most splendid achievement of all is the constant striving to surpass yourself and to be worthy of your own approval. ~Denis Waitley

YES!  YES!!  YES!!!...................

One important note on all this… You do have to take inspired action once you know what it is you want. Getting clear, writing it down and saying it out loud are all ways to move you faster toward the life you want but they can’t make things fall through your roof and into your lap. You have to get going and let the Intention Super Hero Power fuel you along the way. I will cover just how to incorporate “inspired action” in an upcoming blog so stay tuned.
