An amazing seed for both skin and health with loads of antioxidant,  antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and more...

Fennel seeds come from the fennel plant, a perennial that was originally grown in Southern Europe. Scientifically called Foeniculum vulgare, Fennel seeds come from the fennel plant. Scientifically called Foeniculum vulgare, has been used in many cultures as a natural digestive aid. Those powerful antioxidants are just one of the reasons that studies are revealing this may be another natural ingredient linked to a decreased risk of developing cancer cells. When it comes to skincare, fennel seed has a wealth of vitamins and nutrients to keep skin young, clean, and strong.

It has anti-inflammatory properties and antimicrobial properties which are pretty enticing when you have a case of the permanent morning puffiness.

Being antiseptic in nature, fennel seed is great for oily and acne prone skin types because it can remove the dirt and bacteria often causing oil buildup and breakouts. It contains vitamins A, C, and E, which is an awesome combination for dark spots and wrinkles. Fennel protects against free radicals and is equipped with nutrients to prevent cell damage.

Applying fennel seeds topically will give your skin a direct source of iron, copper, potassium, and zinc so you can fight your aging and complexion needs one seed at a time.

To make a toner out of this-
- Put water on stove to boiling stage
- Put a table spoon of fennel seed in a cup and add your boiled water , then allow to sit for 5mins to cool down
- Add honey and desire essential oil of choice
- Use a cotton wool soaked in mixture and clear all debris on face.
